Some days and especially for some people, social media can be a tricky thing to take on. It is always changing and evolving, there’s always a new meme going viral, and there’s a lot of people who use it that we want to impress. Social media can overall be pretty overwhelming at times, but don’t worry, I am here to give you some helpful tips to improve your presence on social media.
It almost seems like there are a million and one different social media platforms. Although I know it is tempting to use all of them, try to refrain from doing that. It is best to focus on just a few platforms. My main focus is on three different platforms; Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Depending on your business, you might want to choose different platforms, but for our business, these three make the most sense.
More often than not, a lot of people tend to forget about how important engagement is. I’m not just talking about getting people to engage on your posts or account by liking, following, commenting, etc. I’m talking about you engaging with the people you follow. I know for me personally, it feels so thrilling when a brand I love reacts or gives a comment back to my comment. Also, the number of followers you have doesn’t always matter. If you have a million followers and only get a couple of comments on your posts, that’s not a good thing. But if you have 4,000 followers and get 100 comments, you’re definitely doing something right.
Such an important thing to remember is to stay consistent. You also need to find a happy medium with how often you post. Posting a few times a day might overwhelm your followers and could end up making you lose a few. But not posting at all could erase you from their minds. Having a set schedule for when you post and posting a few times in a week is a great way to stay consistent.

Overall, don’t feel overwhelmed by the thought of social media. It certainly can be a lot at times, but to improve your presence on social media, it is important to stick to just a few platforms for your business, engage, engage, engage, and stay consistent with your posting.